
Сообщения за декабрь, 2018
IRONX: WORLD-CLASS EXCHANGE INTRODUCTION Following the popular surge of digital currencies, holders of crypto assets recognised the need for a secure, transparent, and modern digital exchange through which to trade their assets. A number of functional exchanges have emerged in response to this developing need, creating a new crypto market ecosystem and driving competition among platforms to set up an efficient and effective trading environment. Although substantial advancements have been made in the usability and the functioning of today’s cryptocurrency exchanges, there are still considerable shortcomings. OVERVIEW Leveraging a cutting-edge system that will facilitate increased volume through multi-party interaction and interconnectivity with traditional online trading, the IronX Exchange plans to address existing crypto industry issues and optimize the crypto exchange experience for novice and experienced traders alike. The IronX Exchange aims to address crypto market ch
ELISIA: BlockChain Devrimi BLOCKCHAIN ​​TEKNOLOJİSİ Pek çok yeni şirket, müzik paylaşımından küresel ödemeye, elmas satışının yasallaştırılmış esrar endüstrisine kadar her şey için blok taşını kullanıyor. Bu yüzden teknolojinin çok büyük bir potansiyeli var. Dijital işlemler ve varlıklar söz konusu olduğunda, blockchain'e herhangi bir şey koyabilirsiniz. Blockchain temelde paylaşılan kayıtları tutan dağıtılmış bir veritabanıdır. Bu kayıtlar bloklardır ve her şifreli kod bloğu, blok geçmişinin bir kaydıdır. Her blok, ikincisine yapılan işlemlerde zaman damgalı bilgi içerir. Etki, onları bir araya getirmek için bu blokların bir zinciridir; bu nedenle adı. Bir blockchain'in iki ana bileşeni vardır: ağın tuttuğu değişmez bir defter ve işlemleri doğrulayan ve kolaylaştıran merkezi olmayan bir ağ. Ağa erişimi olan herkes bu paylaşılan işlem verilerini görebilir, ancak kayıtların bozulabilir veya saldırıya uğrama olasılığı yoktur. Bu merkezi olmayan güven, veriyi kontrol
Introducing EndChain Technology as The Affordable Tracking Solution The digital trading becomes a trend for people around the world for the latest decade. Since the internet was found, the development of technology growing up significantly. For example, in a trading transaction. The definition of trading itself is the meeting of seller and buyer then they make a consensus, the seller gives the goods, and the buyer gives the money as of purchase — these transactions mostly 90% doing in the market. But, these definitions proceed in this era, because the meeting of seller and buyer doesn’t to be the most important point in trading. The people prefer to buy something via smartphone through the online market. There are lots of online markets that provide all the people necessary, start from food, electronic thing, cosmetics, fashion, etc. Exactly, this is the positive change that can’t be denied, and people should adapt to this change — the online shopping more effective and effi
Venus Energy New Concept Based on the Blockchain Technology Good night brother en 'sister !! This night is very bright ... And according to my promise last night, I will continue the discussion about this very promising company... Enjoy the discussion of my article !!! Before that, I will invite you to witness the spectacle of this project, please see together below... Don't forget to (SUBRCIBE) :) The company originating from Lithuania has a very good business, indeed all companies want to be a dream for some people. Quite often they will make various efforts to create all the best possibilities for their business. One of them is this project which has a good strategy to market their products. Well actually there are many projects out there that are good, but this project has a very different advantage that you can use to invest in long periods, therefore I will outline the way the project works Being the Best company in the whole world is an ideal for this pro