
Сообщения за ноябрь, 2018
Enjoy the most effective tools for profitable trading from LUCRE platform! Cryptocurrency technologies are constantly being improved. Each new platform is trying to offer new unique conditions for working with digital assets, increasing the profit of a trader and reducing the time to conduct operations. A modern platform for successful trading should have a technically advanced chat bot, a wide range of services, and artificial intelligence that will help answer all user’s questions. The new decentralized LUCRE project successfully embodies all of these functions, which together with a comfortable interface ensure the effective operation of a trader. The project is intended for both experienced traders and beginners. The platform allows working in all directions and with any amount of investment. LUCRE will provide additional income and bring the cryptocurrency market to a new level of development. https://www.lucretoken.com Key features of LUCRE LUCRE is a unique
SMILO A safe and transparent transaction is a future dream for everyone. The community has sufficient understanding of the need for protection of personal data, due to a large number of cases that misuse personal data for crime and other things. And behind that, the community also needs transparency to cause peace in each transaction. Smilo is a hybrid blockchain platform that guarantees transparency while protecting individual personal data. Smilo uses a blockchain technology base where it can maintain the privacy of each individual's data while ensuring full transparency of the organizations that interact with each individual. Smilo identifies the need for a hybrid blockchain platform. Provide this public entity with the right tools. Smilo puts heartfelt service on every user, so it's called a hybrid blockchain platform with a conscience, this is because: Full features Unique Can facilitate hybrid transactions, hybrid smart contracts and hybrid decentralized app
Adult X Token Based on Blockchain technology, we want to create a total solution for users of this industry. Far from government control, far from credit card payments and data sharing, and cryptocurrency payments and the creation of new opportunities offered by this technology. Under the motto “Adult X Tokens – All in One Solution for the Adult Entertainment Industry “, this project will be implemented in 2019. Having a business is indeed a dream for some people. Many of them will make various efforts to make all the best needs for their business. One of them is a project that has a good strategy to market their products. Well right there are many good projects out there, but this project has very different advantages that you can use to invest for a long time, therefore I will explain how the project works … Being the Best Company in the whole world is ideal for this project, an effective company that is already established. With a large number, of course, this is an achieve
Betform ICO Platfrom About Betform When we as the co-founders of Betform got together to start this company, it was our vision to have assets on the blockchain gaming be not only available to professional players, but rather something that can be used by any individual players in the social way and for fun. At Betform, we strive to offer the user access to as large as possible a range of blockchain games at a maximum degree of convenience, while adhering to the highest security standards in the ecosystem. We are able to do this by connecting blockchains, leveraging on the smart contracts, and Payment Channels, which works in a completely secure, instantaneous and low-cost manner. For further information, please refer to the whitepaper in respect thereof, accessible at www.betformcoin.io. Introduction The mission of Betform is to establish itself as the highest decentralized social betting platform, which offers players a wide range of multiplayer block games with the maximum
Etain power Ich grüße dich, meine lieben Freunde. Heute möchte ich Ihnen ein junges, aber vielversprechendes Projekt vorstellen. Das Investitionspotenzial ist auf hohem Niveau. EtainPower baut eine Blockchain-basierte Handelsplattform für erneuerbare Energien auf. Dank der Blockchain- und Smart-Contract-Technologie wird EtainPower die Einnahmen aus erneuerbaren Energien ermitteln und dem Erzeuger erneuerbarer Energien helfen, das Projekt zu finanzieren. EtainPower schafft ein globales, faires und transparentes Finanzierungsumfeld, reduziert Finanzierungskosten und erhöht die Effizienz der Projektfinanzierung. EtainPower wird einen effektiven Kanal für globale Investoren schaffen, um Zugang zu erneuerbaren Energieprojekten zu erhalten und in diese zu investieren. Darüber hinaus wird EtainPower von der KI-Technologie profitieren, um die Anbindung an das erneuerbare Energienetz zu optimieren, intelligente Netztechnologien zu schaffen, die die Einführung erneuerbarer Energien erle
Review of ICO Neironix. Unique rating platform It's not a secret, that today crypto-currency assets are more interesting to investors as a tool for generating income. Last year, the ICO market attracted huge funds. Very many projects have allowed their investors to earn a large income. This situation attracted less experienced investors, who invested their money in any projects, without delving into their essence, that, as a result, often led to a complete or partial loss of investment. With the development of the cryptomarket, the total number of blockchain projects has increased, and accordingly the likelihood of investing in weak projects has increased, or worse, in bench projects. Therefore, obtaining reliable and timely information about any ICO project will not only help increase investment income, but also prevent the loss of investment. This is understood by the team of developers of the Neironix project, who offer us an information and analytical platform. About