
Сообщения за октябрь, 2018
Trade Pharma Network - The New Pharma-Centric Marketplace Trade Pharma Network is a European-style and licensed platform with international market share. This Pharmaceutical Platform uses the latest advanced technology that is Artificial Intelligence technology or in short (AI). The use of the AI ​​platform on the Trade Pharma Network algorithm will greatly assist in making more efficient searches and matching digital data between major stakeholders. AI technology is also in collaboration with Blockchain technology that will create a sophisticated platform and is needed in the future. Each drug history and drug origins will be recorded in the system, they can be tracked using the Trade Pharma Network platform. All the history of the drug in search will be known and the origin of the drug and the person in charge. Platforms can find out fake and native drugs that will be very useful for the medical world. The 3 Main Principles of the Trade Pharma Network Platform SMART Our ba
ARROUND is a platform of augmented reality, through which new opportunities for advertising are created, working with the use of block technology. ARROUND uses blockchain and expanded authenticity to build an organic network containing four facilitated components: an onerous general advancing framework, an elongated authenticity business focus, a gregarious stage, withal, the bleeding edge AR framework will make a spine for AR broadens the world over. The stage will relinquish its very own token, the ARR, to avail all trades inside the stage, with blockchain fortifying the sanctioned advancement and indemnification rights what's more, furthermore the business intrigues of all the included get-togethers. Introducing ARROUND ARROUND is a decentralized broadened authenticity (AR) organize with a mission to give anyone the facility to experience the world in AR, in additament, give a place to architects to make sense of it the competency of their applications. Expanded the
THE BEST MOBILE ADVERTISING -BLINKED People are constantly refreshing their daily social media apps, email, and online sites through their mobile device. In order to stay relevant amongst other marketers, it is important to deliver your campaign straight to where your consumers are interacting most – their cell phones. It is inefficient to deliver a campaign strictly to a user’s desktop when chances are that he or she will not receive it for several hours until sitting down at their desk. By understanding accessibility benefits of mobile advertising, you can ensure that your messages are easily accessed by every user. Growing industry: According to Pew Research Center, nearly two-thirds of Americans own smartphones. That number is expected to increase. Marketers need to capitalize on these user tendencies and begin to focus campaigns on mobile advertising. The data is clear: Americans love smartphones. All you need to do is adapt your campaign to fit that. Location-based: Th
LESFEX EXCHANGE - Dirancang untuk memberikan fitur perdagangan yang sederhana Tentang Lesfex Exchange adalah perusahaan maju cepat dengan model bisnis generasi berikutnya di ruang pertukaran CryptoCurrency. Platform Lesfex memiliki semua prasyarat untuk berhasil dan menduduki posisi terdepan di antara para pemain industri. Hal ini disebabkan oleh perencanaan strategis menyeluruh dan pengawasan tim pendiri yang kreatif dan berdedikasi. Landasan pengembangan platform adalah perhatian rinci kepada pengguna / pelanggan dan mengatasi kebutuhan mereka sebagai prioritas tertinggi. Tahap berikutnya dari pengembangan proyek adalah peluncuran Lesfex Token yang berkelanjutan sendiri bersama dengan program pedagang. Untuk sepenuhnya merevolusionerkan masa depan perdagangan pertukaran aset digital, kami menggabungkan teknologi Forex dengan yang dimiliki oleh Blockchain untuk memberikan pengalaman trading yang lebih baik kepada semua orang. Lesfex akan menjadi pilihan pertama trader / i
Fiiicoin | Обзор ICO На данный момент существует более 1500 различных видов криптовалют. По некоторым данным их стоимость увеличилась с 2017 в 30 раз, что в переводе на денежный эквивалент составляет более 550$ миллиардов, безусловно, что цены на многие известные нами криптовалюты меняются от их пиковой цены, но это не меняет очевидных фактов о которых мы знаем. Каждый из нас уверен, что у виртуальных активов есть реальное будущее, не смотря на волатильность и спекулятивность. А технология Blockchain никуда уходить не собирается. Но несмотря на все новые технологии и популярность криптовалюты, в мире есть определенный процент населения, которые опасаются и не хотят приобретать цифровую валюту. Основными причинами опасений людей являются, как волатильность, так и неудобства, связанные с приобретением той же криптовалюты. В данном обзоре я бы хотел затронуть данную тему и представить вам проект, благодаря которому многие из вышеперечисленных факторов будут решены. О ПРОЕКТЕ
Swiss Alps Energy AG (SAE) Mining is one type of activity that extracts minerals and other mining materials from within the earth. Mining is the process of taking materials that can be extracted from the earth. Mine is the place where mining activities occur. all phases of activities in the framework of mineral or coal research, management and exploitation which include general investigation, exploration, feasibility studies, construction, mining, processing and refining, transportation and sales, as well as post-mining activities, planned, systematic activities and continuing after partial or all mining business activities to restore natural environmental functions and social functions according to local conditions in all mining areas. Currently a very powerful platform because of the energy-intensive mining process of cryptocurrencies and blockchain-based business applications. On at the same time, in the Swiss Alps, thousands of unused structures are split due to the fa
V-ID What is V-ID Platform? V-ID is the best Blockchain Powered Validation Platform candidate to be the de-facto standard solution for document fraud.With the blockchain system developed from the V-ID platform, it provides services that use general and trusted principles to enable validation and verification for any digital file to be safe and can be known by any publisher. because blockchain is not changed and transparent in the progress of the platform.The issuing organization/publisher can register any file through the V-ID Platform verification process. It can take into account the authenticity of the document in a few seconds very useful in falsehood whether it is genuine or not and also for verification does not require a fee. The V-ID platform does not store copies of files examined and therefore easily meets the recommendations of Data Protection (GDPR). very different compared to the regular WIDIDI large-scale project, V-ID is a unique service with a structured an
CRYPTONITY: THE REVOLUTIONARY EXCHANGE INTRODUCTION Cryptonity is a blend of two words: Crypto and Community. Basic, yet solid and significant is cryptonity’s objective of exchange, which is regarded by the Cryptocurrency Community. Cryptonity endeavor to give the market the most total, secure, straightforward and joint exchange platform. Cryptonity intends to convey great vibrations to Crypto World, abusing the "main benefits" strategy of general exchange. They will discharge their own particular token called Cryptonity Token with a XNY ticker. The Cryptonity token will be propelled at first in the Ethereum blockchain. Sooner rather than later, Cryptonity intend to build up their own Blockchain, and will begin taking a shot at it directly after the offer of Token Sale. The present Cryptonity token (XNY) will be an utility token, and in this way its cost will be identified with its utility. The token will give investors a half markdown on the Cryptonity Exchang